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Packaging Of Saplings

Saplings are grown in plastic trays, which are used for transportation and storage in

nurseries. After they grow in these trays, they are tranferred in plastic bags and later

when they grow more, the process is repeated. Unfired clay pods can be used as base

for saplings , which can be either placed on a solid base or could be hanged. Clay pods

can be directly planted in soil, since unfired clay shall melt when watered upon in soil.

Bamboo & cane containers serve as permanent packing as well as give an antique appearance.

They can be purchased as per requirement. 


Triangular containers can be tessellated as and when new ones are purchased. A paper mesh

tray has been designed to transport them from nursery or gardening shops, to the point where

they shall be used. This packaging system involves an element of playfulness along with serving

its primary function. 


Packaging Design: Portfolio
Packaging Design: Work
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